Want to go to the zoo to see pandas? Learn how to invite people to go with you. Happy studying!


小明: 小红,我们一起去动物园吧!

小红: 好主意!我喜欢动物。什么时候去?

小明: 明天早上你有空吗?

小红: 当然有空!我很期待看到大熊猫。

小明: 我也想看大熊猫!我们明天早上九点见面,好吗?

小红: 好的,九点在动物园门口见面。

Xiao Ming: Xiaohong, let’s go to the zoo together!

Xiao Hong: Good idea! I love animals. When should we go?

Xiao Ming: Are you free tomorrow morning?

Xiao Hong: Of course, I’m free! I’m really looking forward to seeing the giant pandas.

Xiao Ming: I also want to see the giant pandas! Let’s meet tomorrow morning at nine, okay?

Xiao Hong: Okay, let’s meet at the zoo entrance at nine o’clock.




a) 公园

b) 动物园

c) 超市

d) 学校


a) 小狗

b) 大熊猫

c) 小鸟

d) 小猫

1. b

2. b


Important words

A few words from the above Mandarin passage with further examples of their use.


好主意! – Good idea!

我们可以一起做晚饭,好主意吧! – We can cook dinner together, what a good idea!


我喜欢吃水果。 – I like to eat fruit.

他喜欢看电影。 – He likes to watch movies.

她喜欢唱歌和跳舞。 – She likes singing and dancing.


明天我要去买东西。 – Tomorrow I’m going to go shopping.

你明天有空吗?我们可以一起出去玩。 – Are you free tomorrow? We can go outside together.

明天天气会很热。 – Tomorrow will be hot, remember to bring sunscreen.