Lights, camera, action! If you’re an aspiring Chinese language learner looking for an entertaining and effective way to enhance your language skills, you’re in for a treat. While textbooks and traditional classroom settings have their place, immersing yourself in real-life language experiences is an invaluable tool for language acquisition. We’re talking about Television! However, it is important to realise that simply turning on the TV is not enough. Here is some advice on how to utilise Chinese TV shows to improve your Mandarin.

Watch with purpose

The most important advice: Watch with focus. Don’t turn on the TV only to start texting or TikTokking. If the TV show becomes background noise, you won’t learn. Sit down and watch with as few distractions as possible. It’s far better to actively watch for fifteen minutes than passively for an hour. This is made much easier if you…

Find a show you enjoy watching

If you enjoy a show, you’ll learn much more as your attention won’t wander as easily. Whether you like reality shows, historical dramas, or crime thrillers, there are plenty of shows for you to try. Here’s a list of Chinese TV shows you might enjoy. Don’t force yourself to watch something you find boring. You might still learn, but over time you will come to resent watching and look for other things to do instead.

Take notes and imitate

When you come across a word, phrase, or sentence that you find useful or interesting, pause the show, repeat it out loud, and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. This is where passive learning becomes active learning. Take the time to focus and listen to tricky sentences several times. You might take an hour to watch a twenty minute show, but it will be a quality hour of learning. Additionally,  jot down any new vocabulary or phrases. Review them later and incorporate them into your language learning routine, such as through flashcards (Anki is my favourite) or dedicated practice sessions. 

Start with subtitles

Begin by watching the TV show with subtitles in your native language. This will help you understand the storyline and context. Once context is established and as you become more comfortable, switch the subtitles to Chinese. This should be easy as almost all Chinese TV shows are subtitled to allow people from all regions of China to understand speakers who might talk with an unfamiliar Chinese accent or dialect. 

Repeat episodes

Revisit episodes you’ve already watched to reinforce what you’ve learned. Repetition is crucial for language learning, and by rewatching episodes, you’ll notice improvements in comprehension and pick up on details you missed previously. If you enjoyed a series or even a particular epsiode, note it down and watch it again after a few months. If you’ve been watching other shows and actively learning inbetween viewings, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can understand on the second watching.

Do not solely rely on TV

Remember that while TV shows can be a valuable tool, they should be combined with other language learning activities to develop a well-rounded skill set. Regular practice, consistency, and exposure to the language in various contexts will be much more beneficial than only watching TV. Don’t neglect other forms of media either such as podcasts, music or books. 

Thanks for reading!

By following the tips and techniques above, you can make the most of your TV viewing time and transform it into a powerful language learning opportunity. As each episode goes by, you’ll notice your Chinese language skills improving, bringing you one step closer to your goal of fluency. We wish you happy studying!