Learn how to ask if someone has time, or if someone is busy. Great for making plans.







小明:Xiaohong, have you been busy recently?

小红:No busier than usual. What’s up?

小明:I’ve recently started to enjoy playing ping-pong. I want to play it with you.

小红:I have time on Saturday afternoon, but I’m not sure how to play ping-pong

小明:No worries, I can teach you.



1 – 小明最近喜欢干什么?

a. 写书法

b. 打篮球

c. 画画

d. 打乒乓

2 – 小红什么时候有空?

a. 周六早上

b. 周六晚上

c. 周六下午

d. 周六中午

1. d

2. c


Important words

A few words from the above Mandarin passage with further examples of their use.


最近我开始学习法语。 – Recently, I started learning French.

最近的天气非常炎热。 – The weather has been extremely hot recently.

我最近买了一本有趣的书。– I recently bought an interesting book.


我刚刚开始学习吉他。 – I just started learning to play the guitar.

他们开始准备晚餐了。 – They started preparing dinner.


我们一起去公园散步吧!– Let’s go for a walk in the park together!

我们一起准备晚餐。 – Let’s prepare dinner together.

我们一起看电影吗?– Shall we watch a movie together?